Categories: National

India sees decline in COVID-19 cases; Reports only 1,542 fresh cases in past 24 hours

India saw a major decline in COVID-19 cases after the country reported only 1,542 fresh cases. This is the lowest single-day infection rate for the country in 182 days. It takes the country’s total tally of Covid-19 infections from the beginning of the pandemic to 4,46,32,430.

With a decrease of 385 cases from the previous day, India’s active caseload declined to 26,449, according to the Union health ministry data on Tuesday morning.

The active cases comprise 0.06 per cent of the total infections.

The eight new fatalities include three from Gujarat, Odisha and West Bengal and five deaths reconciled by Kerala.

The national recovery rate stands at 98.76 per cent, the health ministry said. The number of people who have recuperated from the disease surged to 4,40,77,068.

Aishwarya Nair:
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