Calicut University UG CAP 2018 Third Allotment: The Third allotment will be published on the scheduled date notified by Calicut university admission cell. All candidates received Calicut University UG CAP 2018 Third Allotment for the first time should remit mandatory fee to claim their allotment. Candidates already remitted mandatory fee after the first and second allotment need not pay the mandatory fee again.The candidates failing to remit mandatory fee will lose allotment received and will not be considered for further allotments.
Calicut University Degree Admission Third Allotment:
All the candidates received allotment should take admission in the respective colleges. The
candidates received allotment to their first option, and candidates satisfied with the allotment
received during first, second and third allotment shall cancel all their higher options and take
permanent admission.
The candidates satisfied with the calicut university ug admission 2018 third allotment received shall cancel all their higher options. In case the higher options are not canceled the candidate will be considered for the higher options and will be bound to relinquish the previous allotment and must take admission to the allotment received to their higher options.
All other candidates received allotment and waiting for higher options can take temporary
admission by retaining all the higher options.