When she regained consciousness after the surgery, Bhavana was the first to call. Surya was the first to hug. She is my daughter; Ranju Ranjimar

Ranju Ranjimar is well known to Malayalis. In an interview with Milestone Makers, Ranju talked about the problems he faced later in life and how he overcame them. I have many good friends. Looking back and asking who is the most valuable friend, I have had the help of many at every step. Jyotirmai, Mukta, Rimi Tommy, Ramya Nambeesan, Priyamani, Pearli Mani, Mamta Mohandas have all been a part of my life at one point or another. It was Mamta Mohandas who brought me back to life from the verge of suicide.

I just can't stand losing friendships. So if a relationship is leaving me, I'm the type of person who wants to find out why, fix it, and move on. I have also faced many rejections from trusted friendships. Even though I knew I was stuck, I stood like an idiot. Because I want friends. I like to believe that everything that has happened in my life is because of me. Be it happy or sad. If you ask if love relationship happened, then it was true friendships. Maybe it was due to my selfishness or something else.

Ranju says that there have been many bad experiences in the name of expressing opinions openly. Controlled when such comments went to the point of ruining my day. Opportunities have been lost because of it. He has received death threats. Those who call saying that they will kill them will be told the exact address of the house and the number of the car. That's all – said Ranju Ranjimar. Ranju also talks about the joy he felt when he became a full woman after the surgery. My father and mother saw me as a woman for the first time. So there was no significant change from their side. But there was joy. Bhavana was the first person he called when he regained consciousness after the surgery. After that Pearli, Priyamani and Mamta Mohandas were all called. Surya was the first to be hugged. She is my daughter. My daughter Surya also took care of me like a baby after the surgery.

Rakesh Sudheesan: Founder/Editor/Journalist at Mixindia.com
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