Tag: death

According to my horoscope I have faced death eight times. Alone with Elizabeth and family? Bala's answer viral

Malayalees have a special love for Bala. The actor is active in…

Rakesh Sudheesan Rakesh Sudheesan

Not dead! It was Poonam Pandey who faked the death news; Actress with new video.

Actress Poonam Pandey said that the news of her death was spread…

Rakesh Sudheesan Rakesh Sudheesan

Father has a heart attack; 2-year-old starved to death at home alone; tragedy

After the death of his father, the two-year-old starved to death at…

Rakesh Sudheesan Rakesh Sudheesan

“This is the victory of Narendra Bharat”; K Surendran on cancellation of death sentence of eight ex-navy personnel

BJP state president K Surendran said that the cancellation of the death…

Rakesh Sudheesan Rakesh Sudheesan

Kannur Squad Stunt Director Jolly Bastin Passes Away: Death During Christmas Celebrations

Actor and Kannur Squad stunt director Jolly Bastin passed away. He died…

Rakesh Sudheesan Rakesh Sudheesan

Governor Arif Muhammad Khan collapsed and died when he arrived at Mithaitheru; CPM says the governor is responsible for the death

Kozhikode: Governor Arif Muhammad Khan collapsed while visiting Mithaitheru and died while…

Rakesh Sudheesan Rakesh Sudheesan

Another covid death in the state, the deceased was a native of Kozhikode

Thiruvananthapuram: Another covid death in the state. Kaliyattuparambath Kumaran (77) died in…

Rakesh Sudheesan Rakesh Sudheesan