KSCSTE Fellowship Examination Syllabus

KSCSTE Fellowship Examination Syllabus: Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment (KSCSTE) invites application for KSCSTE research fellowship from MSc/MTech degree holders from any of the Universities in Kerala. There will be 7 subject areas as listed and their syllabi are attached below.

The applicants can choose any one of the 7 subjects listed below for the Entrance Examination. The syllabus for each subject area can be downloaded from the corresponding links provided below. If the applicant gets qualified, one can choose any of the subject area for pursuing research leading to Ph.D.

  1. Mathematical Sciences Syllabus
  2. Physical Sciences Syllabus
  3. Chemical Sciences Syllabus
  4. Life Sciences Syllabus
  5. Environmental Sciences Syllabus
  6. Earth, Atmospheric, Ocean and Planetary Sciences Syllabus
  7. Engineering Sciences Syllabus


Prashant P Patil: Senior Journalist
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