After much introspection I realized this, trying to label myself as incompetent; Written by Narayanankutty

Actress Rachana Narayanankutty has said that the cyber attacks that have been going on against her for the past ten years have been pre-planned. The actress said through a note shared on social media that she realized this after doing a lot of introspection.

Rachna says that their attempt is to stamp her as incompetent and that the attackers only have love. The words of the composition are in long notes. Full text of the post-

Resilience! 2024!
It has been since 2014! When it was 2016, I realized very clearly that I was a victim of a targeted attack. Not me, but many like me. I realized this after two years of much introspection. Now 10 long years…there’s no doubt it’s still going strong!
Let’s talk about it with some seriousness.

In the realm of creativity where subjective judgments exist, individuals/artists may be subject to criticism. Over the past several years, I have become the target of a concerted effort by those within a certain community/organization to discredit my abilities and cast doubt on my abilities.

While creative feedback is an integral part of any artistic journey, the nature of this particular attack made me question the motives behind such an orchestrated campaign. To me, who was seeing life in the simplest way, when the advertising campaign that I, the artist, had some shortcomings became one of the goals of this community/organization, I, who had merged my life with creativity for so long, started to think aside.

In evaluating artistic talent, it is critical to acknowledge the inherent subjectivity. Art, by its very nature, is diverse, and opinions about what constitutes talent vary greatly.

What one may perceive as incompetence, another may praise for its uniqueness and individuality (which I have happily experienced…and continue to experience). It is this diversity that makes the artistic community vibrant and dynamic, and it is sad and disheartening to witness efforts aimed at stifling this diversity in pursuit of a narrow definition of talent.

It’s been a long time since the attack by Target not only attempted to discredit my work, but also raised concerns about the larger problem of online harassment within the creative community. While talking, I realized that not only me, but many people are going through this situation like me. In an era where social media platforms are both a blessing and a curse for artists, the line between constructive criticism and malicious attacks is very blurred.

Resilience is an important factor in navigating such challenges. Instead of succumbing to negativity, I decided long ago to focus on the core reasons of my artistic pursuits: passion, self expression and growth. A commitment to continuous improvement and openness to constructive feedback is an integral part of any artist’s journey. However, the motive behind the organized effort to brand someone as incompetent reflects the values ​​and morals of the society.

The targeted attack on my artistic abilities reminds me of the need for a more supportive and inclusive creative environment. Constructive criticism should encourage growth…not discourage exploration and diversity in artistic expression. As I face these challenges, my resolve remains unwavering. I hope this personal experience of mine will spark a broader conversation within the community about fostering a rich culture of respect, encouragement, and appreciation for diverse talent that enriches our artistic direction.

The other side: Apart from this, there is still a large majority of people who love me, believe in my abilities, and know the person that I am. .. I have been experiencing it for a long time in these four or five days. .. Now while waiting for the delayed flight to Thiruvananthapuram, that love continues to caress me… I bow before that love and prayers. full of love This full of love is the only reason to write this now…. I am a human being first, and an artist only later, as I always say to those who know me closely, out of love for those who do targeted attacks!
good day


Rakesh Sudheesan: Founder/Editor/Journalist at Mixindia.com
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