The Prime Minister liked my post the other day. Thanking Narendra Modi, then the cyber attack; Shihab Chotoor finally withdrew the post

The post shared by YouTuber Shihab Chotoor was widely discussed. But this post was withdrawn by YouTuber Shihab Chotoor after hours. After the cyber attack, Shihab took down his post. Shihab posted on his official Facebook page on Tuesday morning that ‘I am proud to be an Indian Muslim and I am very thankful to the Prime Minister’ on the Ram Temple dedication day. Soon the post was widely discussed on social media.

Shihab’s post was in the background of the deity in the Ram temple. With this, many people came forward on the Sangh Parivar pages also supporting and appreciating this post. At the same time, some were coming forward with harsh criticism against Shihab. After the post became controversial, he deleted this post from Facebook. Then, through his Facebook page, he came forward with an explanation of the incident. The Prime Minister liked the post of an event held before me the other day. When it went viral and many national dignitaries shared it, I was surprised that the PM of the country liked the post of a common man like me. Then Shihab said on Facebook that I posted a little earlier to thank him.

Apart from that, it has nothing to do with the Ayodhya issue and he said in a post on Facebook that he will never resign with fascism. Social media news comes in a way that I don’t think about. Many respond without knowing this truth. They leave it to Allah. Those who accept these words sincerely say please don’t share them. As a lover of Prophet Habib, I will never support fascism. I apologize to all those who love me for the misleading post without explanation. He said that may Allah include us among the true believers.

Rakesh Sudheesan: Founder/Editor/Journalist at Mixindia.com
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