Categories: Film News

Lakshmi Pramod not to be granted anticipatory bail in prosecution court

The incident in which a girl committed suicide in Kottayam is creating a lot of controversy in Kerala. The girl committed suicide after her fianc withdrew from the marriage. Harris is the first defendant in this case.

Serial actress Lakshmi Pramod is another important accused in the case. They have now applied to the court for anticipatory bail. The case is set to go to trial on Friday. In the case, the prosecution argued that the actress should not be granted anticipatory bail.

Harris, who is in remand in this case, will be taken into custody soon. Ramsey committed suicide on the third of last month after Harris withdrew from the marriage. Police have registered a case of unnatural death. The police later registered an arrest.

Harris and his brother’s wife, serial actress Lakshmi Pramod were later questioned by police. They later applied for anticipatory bail in a Kollam court. Cry. The case is being investigated by the branch. They had visited the house of the deceased girl the previous day and collected evidence.

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Rakesh Sudheesan: Founder/Editor/Journalist at Mixindia.com
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