Actor and BJP leader Suresh Gopi expressed his joy with just hours left for the inauguration of the Ayodhya Ram Temple. Suresh Gopi’s happy expression is through a Facebook post.
Suresh Gopi captioned it as Jai Shriram, my Seetharaman. A picture has also been shared with it. The post has been taken over by BJP supporters.
Meanwhile, Ayodhya is preparing for the Prana Pratishta at the Ram Temple. The ceremony will start from 11.30. Pratishtha is performed by 121 Acharyas. Prana Pratishtha takes place at 12.20 p.m.
From 10 o’clock, there will be Mangaladhwani and a two-hour-long Sangeet Archana with instrumental music. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will reach Ayodhya at 10:30 am.
Modi will address the guests after the ceremony. Prime Minister will visit Kubertila on 2.10. Amit Shah will visit Birla Mandir.