‘In the name of what Chitrachechchi has to forgive once’; Sreejith Panicker criticizes G Venugopal

Sreejith Panicker criticized singer G Venugopal who supported the film in the criticisms against the singer film related to Ram temple.

For the past forty four years, Chitra has only sung songs. There is no reading, writing or political orientation in the picture.

On the subject of Ayodhya and for Chitra, only one big temple in India and devotion to it! Music, Bhakti, Sadhana, Love, Sympathy, nothing beyond this is in their realm of thought.

Therefore, G Venugopal had asked on social media that if there is a difference of opinion with what Chitra, who has sung so many songs for us, then forgive us once.

Sreejith Panicker came against this remark of Jee Venugopal. Sreejith asks why Chitrachechchi should be forgiven once.

I don’t understand why I have to forgive Chitrachechi once. In the matter decided by the Supreme Court,

In a matter related to the construction of a temple under the law, in a matter of religious belief, how the invocation becomes a forgivable error.

If we say we can forgive once, it means we can blame him the next time we do it again. This is a very immature statement from G Venugopal.

Chitra Chechi is not wrong. So sorry doesn’t come up there. Sreejith Panicker said that it is not wrong to repeat this not once but how many times.

Rakesh Sudheesan: Founder/Editor/Journalist at Mixindia.com
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