Categories: Film News

If Aristotle says aha, then poor Vijay Devarakonda says aha

Vijay Devarakonda is one of the famous young stars of Telugu. Vijay is the only actor to make waves in South India with his single ‘Arjun Reddy’. Vijay Devarakonda is one of the most popular actors in Kerala. Some of the words that Vijay said in an interview the other day are now causing controversy. In fact these were the parts that were excluded from the interview. But then it spread on social media and caused a great deal of criticism.

“I do not think everyone has the right to vote,” he said. Those who sell votes for money and alcohol do not even know why they are voting. Instead, I think only those with educational qualifications should be given the right to vote, ”Vijay Devarakonda said in an interview.

“Suppose we are on a flight. Decide who should fly the flight. The pilot is decided by people like the airline agencies who know about it, ”added Vijay Devarakonda.

But another statement that caused the most controversy. “I think dictatorship is better than a democracy of money and alcohol,” he said.

We are not going to discuss the political etiquette of what Vijay Devarakonda said. Rather it is about another person who has almost the same opinion. He was a Greek philosopher, Aristotle, who lived three and a half centuries before Christ. Aristotle takes a similar view of democracy.

Aristotle believed that the best of a group should rule over others. Aristotle believed that rulers should be determined by values, not blood ties. Aristotle believed in the idea that good monarchy is better than democracy.

One of the main reasons Aristotle opposed democracy was because it was not based on equality. Aristotle believed that it was wrong to give everyone the right to choose the Lord. On the contrary, Aristotle believed that only the educated had the right to do so.

No one argues that Aristotle’s arguments are completely correct. There has been a great deal of criticism of what Aristotle said since then. At the same time, we cannot dismiss the logic of Aristotle’s critiques. It is not argued here that the statement made by Vijay Devarakonda was borrowed from Aristotle. Rather, only the similarities between the two views are pointed out here.

Indian politics is a very corrupt system. A system degenerated by caste, religion, money and alcohol. So if one feels that dictatorship is better than democracy, is that his only problem? The comments made by Vijay Devarakonda must be opposed. But at the same time, Vijay’s criticism of Indian democracy deserves to be discussed with equal importance.

The post Aristotle says aha, poor Vijay Devarakonda says aha appeared first on Mixindia.

Rakesh Sudheesan: Founder/Editor/Journalist at Mixindia.com
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