South sensation Vijay Deverakonda is good to go to check his introduction in Bollywood with Anaya Panday. Joining the endeavor is a pro on-screen character from South, Ramya Krishnan, who earned a great deal of praise for her presentation in the ‘Baahubali’ arrangement. A source has solely educated ETimes that Ramya has joined the group of this untitled endeavor, which will be coordinated by Puri Jagannadh. Aside from Ramya, Habib Hossain has additionally joined the cast. This endeavor is created by Karan Johar, who had made a great declaration of the film via web-based networking media and had additionally shared pictures from the mahurat shot.
Later when Ananya joined the group, she had invited Vijay Deverakonda to Bollywood by sharing cute BTS pictures from the sets. “Ananya is anxious to work with Vijay and is relied upon to begin shooting mid-March or in the main seven day stretch of April,” a source was cited by Mumbai Mirror. While the group has enveloped 40 days of shoot by Mumbai, they will be flying out of India soon for an outside calendar.