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10 Tips to Boost Immunity and Prevent Covid 19

The lockdown announced by the government to curb the spread of Kovid-19 is a new experience for Kerala. We were very busy, and were confined to the four walls of our homes. For many, it was difficult to fit in the first days. But the sick, the sick, and the suspected are living in hospitals and homes to prevent the spread of the disease. Lockdown days can change the course of life when you stay home. Lifestyle changes can have a profound effect on health. Here are 10 health habits that everyone should follow to boost the body’s immune system in case Covid-19 vaccines have not yet been discovered.

01. Eat good food

Eating anything you have on hand should be abandoned during lockdown, as it is linked to diet and immune system. Make sure the food is balanced. Resources should be adjusted so that the body gets the life needed. Antioxidants in vegetables, fruits and vegetables boost the body’s immune system. Fresh fruits and vegetables purchased should be thoroughly washed with clean water. Avoid eating fast food and overeating meat foods. Don’t skip breakfast because you don’t go to work. Breakfast should be eaten well, lunch is light and dinner should be served sparingly.

02. How much glass water should you drink?

Summer brings with it the risk of dehydration and loss of salt. When you lose salts like sodium, your body feels tired and tired. People with normal health should drink eight to 10 glasses of boiled water daily. When you get up in the morning, after drinking your mouth and tongue, drinking just two glasses of fresh water for the stomach is refreshing. Drink salted water, lemon water and starch. Instead of soft drinks, you can use charcoal water.

03. Exercise will increase immunity

When you say lockdown, don’t think you’re sitting in one place long enough. Traveling is restricted and the inability to go anywhere can lead to laziness. Exercises can be tailored to the individual at the available time. Walk in the yard. Individuals who do not have a yard or yard can climb up the stairs inside the house and exercise. Young people should spend at least forty-five minutes exercising. Older people should exercise for at least 30 minutes, depending on the state of their bodies.

04. Good morning

Early morning light helps in getting vitamin D in the skin and boosts immunity. Older people living in flats and houses are best to get in the morning. The sunburned lifestyle has become popular as a photo therapist.

05. Personality is paramount

The easiest way to get out of hand is to defend Kovid-19. Every person can take care of hygiene and prevent other diseases. Washing your hands twice a day is like washing your hands. Wear dry and dry clothes. When sneezing and coughing, use the towel to sneeze.

06. Sleep is a good medicine

Those who cannot sleep during peak hours should use lockdown time. The adult is advised to sleep for six to eight hours. Studies show that a good night’s sleep can have the effect of medication. Make time for sleep and make it a part of your lifestyle. Twenty minutes of sleep in the afternoon brings freshness to the mind and body.

07. Keep away from alcohol

In a sluggish lifestyle it is possible to become overly concerned with alcohol. Alcohol, smoking or other alcoholic beverages should be kept away during lockdown. In some people, this period may lead to alcoholism and lower the immune system. Excessive drinking can lead to serious liver diseases. People who smoke heavily are at higher risk of developing lung diseases.

08. Danger of medication

One in five people in Kerala have diabetes and one in three have hypertension problems. Do not forget to take the medications that are currently ingest during the lockdown period. Discontinuing medication can worsen the disease. People with diabetes should check their blood sugar levels at least once a week. Seek medical help in emergency situations.

09. Special care for the aged

It is time to take special care, love and care for the elderly at home. Covid-19 can affect the health of older persons. It is estimated that there are about forty lakhs of elderly persons in Kerala. Preparing a special room for the elderly and not allowing them to interact with the sick and for minor health problems.From bathing to dressing, personal hygiene should be ensured.

10. Mental Health is Important

Psychiatrists are of the opinion that those who are in the isolation ward with Covid-19 and those in the home quarantine with suspected infection are at risk for later psychological problems. When left alone without work, depression can lead to depression and excessive anxiety. Self-care should be provided in a timely manner to identify the economic and social problems of individuals. Set aside at least half an hour a day for yoga and meditation to overcome stress.

Rakesh Sudheesan: Founder/Editor/Journalist at Mixindia.com
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