Salim Kumar is the favorite actor of the Malayalees. Salim Kumar has come to the scene saying that the posts circulating on the grounds that he spoke against Suresh Gopi are fake. Salim Kumar clarified that he has nothing to do with that post and he should not be included in the posts that commit suicide. The post was circulated in such a way that Salim Kumar spoke against Suresh Gopi’s victory.
As Salim Kumar says about this, trolls use my pictures for many things. I am very happy about it, but I humbly request you not to include me in such self-murdering posts,” says Salim Kumar.
When Suresh Gopi won, Salim Kumar congratulated him and shared the post. Salim Kumar wrote on that day, “Despite being in a different neighborhood politically, I am personally happy for your success. Congratulations Sureshetta.”
As Salim Kumar had said about Suresh Gopi earlier, he begins by saying that he is a person who does not know how to act in life. A man named Suresh Gopi played a huge role in my transformation from an ordinary mime artist to the busy Salim Kumar actor you see today.
When Suresh Gopi won, Salim Kumar congratulated him and shared the post. Salim Kumar wrote on that day, “Despite being in a different neighborhood politically, I am personally happy for your success. Congratulations Sureshetta.”
As Salim Kumar had said about Suresh Gopi earlier, he begins by saying that he is a person who does not know how to act in life. A man named Suresh Gopi played a huge role in my transformation from an ordinary mime artist to the busy Salim Kumar actor you see today.
Another was ‘Compartmenta’, a small film that I directed for the first time. The film had a theme with autistic children as central characters. I was also the producer of it and I invited Sureshetan to do a cameo in it. He came as soon as I was called, and when I was leaving after the shoot, when I talked to him about the reward, he said that my reward is the laughter of my children.