After the release of the Hema Committee report, many people working in the film industry came forward with revelations. The actress, who is a junior artist, had made allegations against the actors Evala Babu, Sudheesh, Mamukoya and the late director Harikumar. Now, Mamukoya’s son has filed a complaint against the actress. In Nisar’s complaint, it is said that the junior artist has made allegations with the aim of bringing a bad name to his deceased father. Son Nisar told Final News Malayalam in response to the controversy that he should not slander dead people and that he is absolutely sure that Uppa would not have said anything like that. Then she told everything about Sudheesh. Usually Dad doesn’t respond to this. That’s why I didn’t respond because I was told not to respond from home. Then they gave bytes to several channels. I felt it became an addiction to say this to them. Because they say a lot.
Cinema is a magical world. There are many things to be heard. Then it is better for those who cannot do that to live by selling stew as they are doing now. And the woman has a fault. At first I avoided it. The case was filed later. The woman says everything with a smile. Keralites know women who are in pain when they see them. The woman’s face had the kind of laughter and playfulness that spoke falsely. In an interview with News 18, the woman says that she was told to bring a woman instead. Is this the program for this woman? The police should investigate including how many directors they approached to make the film with the script. We should find out whether they have married any other woman. I felt as if they themselves were saying that she was that kind of woman. Everyone is calling and texting us asking about this incident. When we see that, we get more upset. Uppa lived like a normal person in this country. No one has ever complained… never said anything bad. Seeing the news, everyone said to file a complaint against the woman. I have never seen that woman in any movie. I’m pretty sure Dad never said anything like that. This is a case from 10 years ago. When there was an opportunity to speak, the woman spoke. It seemed that it was said for the sake of fame.