The release of the Hema Committee report created a huge controversy in Malayalam cinema. Now Dhyan Srinivasan is coming to the scene by commenting on this issue. The report contained a reference to the Power Group. According to the report, Malayalam cinema is controlled by this group of ten to fifteen people. Now Dhyan Srinivasan is giving his opinion on this issue. He delivered this speech at an inaugural event.
“The Hema committee report talks about a power group. Never heard, am I not doing the most movies while saying that? So I’m not really the power group? I belong to that power group. Only now can you make a movie. Do it when you get it” – this is Dhyan’s comment which has gone viral on social media.
While many people are laughing and clapping for this, a section of people have come forward with criticism. Power Group is a group that has exploited many women and robbed many artists of their opportunities. So a section of people say that using such funny words while talking about a group is an insult to many artists and women who have experienced exploitation.
Meanwhile, a film starring Dhyan Srinivasan was announced yesterday. The film will be produced by Sophia Paul. Minnal Murali was also made by them. Reports are that this will be a movie with the same Universal. It is known that Dhyan is playing the role of Detective Ujjwalan in this movie.