After actor Shine, Tanuja has also opened up about her broken love. Tanuja responded on the issue by coming live. Talking about her love breakup, Tanuja said that she has never loved anyone so much and yet he cheated on her and now she is guilty. I have nothing to say on the matter of Shine Tom. I left that topic. I don’t want to talk about it at all. The guy is going on a good vibe in his own way. The man is leaving happily. I am going to look after my things. I expected a lot. But now they don’t agree with me. I don’t want to grind my teeth on it.
At the same time, we will believe another and add a number of them. In the end, we will be left behind. So two were with me. Added two years. At last I will get a good job and pass there. Better alone. No one wants. Let me tell you one thing from my experience. We should keep our things personal. When we feel sad, we share everything and when they are wrong, they make it public. So it will be planted and weeded. We should not trust anyone. Whoever it is.
We will be given a lot of promises. But we should not believe that. All I can say is don’t trust anyone. Don’t trust anyone no matter how close they are. Let us not be ungrateful. stuck