Chekuthan was arrested by the police yesterday. His real name is Aju Alex. A few days ago, Mohanlal visited the landslide site in Wayanad. Mohanlal is also a lieutenant colonel. He made the video against Mohanlal. Siddique filed a complaint with the police. Now actor Bala has come up with a response on this issue. He said these things in a live video on Facebook.
“This is what I said about the devil eight to 10 months ago. What sin did I do that day? He is a poison. All things done are bad. I was going to say don’t do this and stop. But the news came that Bala took a gun and violence. Many people understood me. He also supported me.
A big tragedy has happened in Wayanad. One of the greatest tragedies that can befall a human being. Everyone is joining hands for those who are suffering. Aju Alex is saying things by commenting even more negatively. Didn’t I say all this then? What pain my family had that day. What changes have come in my life?
Our beloved Lalettan has donated three crore rupees for Wayanad. This is all we know. There are many unknowns. You can review everything about his movies and acting. You have the freedom to do so. I have retracted my post yesterday against Santosh Varki. He may have some mental problems. So let’s leave it at that. But some people are toxic to the earth. We are facing it” – this is what Bala said. At the same time, the audience blamed Mala when he said many things about the devil. The audience is now apologizing to Bala for this.