Actor Ranbir Kapoor opens up about his admiration. Ranbir said that he does not think much about politics but he admires the Prime Minister a lot. Ranbir compared Modi to Shah Rukh Khan. He said this on Nikhil Kamat’s podcast show
The words are,
Four five years ago, all of us visited Prime Minister Narendra Modi. You must have seen him on TV. You will also be seen talking. He is a great orator. The Prime Minister has a personality that attracts everyone like a magnet. He approached each of us and spoke separately. Asked about personal matters. My father was going for treatment at that time. The Prime Minister inquired about his father’s health and treatment. Alia was asked something else. This is how he treated Vicky Kaushal and Karan Johar.”
On the other hand, Ranbir pointed out that he could see Modi’s character trait in many great people who came close to each of them and behaved like this. The Prime Minister did not need to do so, but he did. Shah Rukh Khan is one such person.