Mohanlal is a Malayalee’s favorite star. The star has talked about his mother in many interviews. Now, away from all the hustle and bustle, Lal and his wife Suchitra have come to their home in Elamakara, Kochi to celebrate their mother’s birthday. Mohanlal’s friends and close relatives including Major Ravi participated in the celebration. Its photos are circulating on social media. In the pictures, Shantakumari is sitting smiling with her son, wearing a cassava festoon and red spots. Although she is nearly ninety years old, the joy of being with her son is reflected in Shantakumari’s smile. Many people came to wish the dear actor’s mother on her birthday
Thank you for the lullaby.. Greetings mom, many commented. There are also comments wishing long life to Laleton’s mother. Shantakumari is in Kochi after the stroke. Mohanlal lives in Chennai with his family. But whenever he gets time, he flies to see his mother. Fans say that Lal is like her mother. As the mother was painted in appearance and behavior. Mohanlal once said that when he sees mothers of his mother’s age walking around in good health, he remembers his mother’s condition. Mohanlal is now making efforts to provide more services to the society through the Vishwashanthi Foundation, which was started in the name of his father Viswanathan Nair and mother Shantakumari.