When Sruthi Hariharan lashed out against Arjun Sarja, it has gone onto make numerous waves not just in Kollywood, but across industries. Well, the actress seems not in a mood to spare the actor. Revealing more about the incident, the actress maintained that she was quick in understanding the underlying motives of the actor, while performing intimate scenes with him during the shooting of the movie ‘Nipunan’. Adding that, it wasn’t for the first time that she had performed intimate scenes in movies, Sruthi however made it clear that it was the first time that she came across such an experience.
When queried about revealing the incidents only on a late note, the actress made it clear that she had reported it all to the director during the shooting days itself. Directed by Arun Vaidyanathan, ‘Nipunan’ had Arjun essaying the husband role to Sruthi. Soon when Sruthi entered the ‘Me Too’ campaign, the actor and his daughter hit the media turning down the accusations of the actress.