Yesterday, serious allegations were made against actress Reema Kallingal and her husband Ashiq Abu. Famous Tamil singer Suchitra brought up these allegations. But they themselves say that someone else told them this. This was also reported by some leading media in Kerala, but later after knowing their history and nature, they retracted the news. Now a post on this topic is being noticed on social media.
Here he reveals some other allegations of Suchitra who said that Prema Kallingal is running a drunken park. The allegations made earlier by them were that Shah Rukh Khan is gay, Kamal Haasan is transgender, Manjumal Boys is a gay movie, her ex-husband Karthik is gay, lavish parties are held at Vijay’s house, Trisha and others dance in such parties.
At the same time, it is suspected that they have some mental problems. For that one reason, whatever they say against anyone in Tamil cinema, they never respond to such things. They are generally said to be Shanthivila Dinesh of Tamil cinema. Whatever allegations are made against Shantivala Char here, no one cares about it.
Meanwhile, Hindutva communalists in Kerala are really celebrating this accusation against Ashiq Abu and Reema Kallingal. Secularists say that after Pinarayi Vijayan, Ashiq Abu is the most important reason why Kerala has not surrendered to Hindutva forces even today. Some people think that Kerala can be Hinduized by trapping secularists like Ashiq Abu in such cases, but it will not happen as long as the secular believers in Kerala are alive.