Actress Geeta Phudhuwal now says that she had a bad experience from Malayalam cinema. They also say that they stopped acting in films because of similar experiences. Now they are also saying that the producer of the film tried to misbehave with them while acting in Vellivelichatham. They said in an interview to a media that they entered the room drunk at night.
Another actress who acted with him had a very bad experience. Geetha Ghuduwal also says that it is from the same producer. Geetha Ghuduwal says that she was removed from the film after she expressed her opposition on such issues. However, due to a Hema committee report, there are now huge allegations against the big and small stars of the film industry.
All the members of Amma’s executive committee, who are bound to answer such allegations, were submitted to the Rajya a few days ago. Now Padmapriya comes to the scene saying that the executive members have no head and spine. They also say that it is an irresponsible action on the part of Amma’s governing body. Now they are saying that there is a power group working in the film and the government should answer for not releasing the report for four and a half years. In an interview to Asianet News, they said that the formation of a special investigation team does not matter and it has not yet been clarified how the recommendations of the committee will be implemented.
Meanwhile, a rape complaint has been filed against actor Pauly today. It is known that he is the sixth accused in the case. But Nivin Pauly has held a press conference today, alleging that he has no role in this and that there is a conspiracy behind it. Nivinpoly says that his family members and friends have expressed solidarity with him and will face this legally and will fight till the truth is revealed.