It is often said that Malayalam has the best actors in India, including actors in other languages. The biggest feature of our industry is that our superstars are our best actors. Whether Mammootty or Mohanlal is the better actor is one of the questions that has persisted for the last few decades. There is no disputing that both of them are unique talents. Now director CB Malail is reacting about their emotional scenes.
“I felt the most inside when Mammootty was crying. I think, when Mammootty cries, we too burn unconsciously. We feel more sad when Mammootty cries than when Mohanlal cries. “There is one thing my wife always says, ‘I can’t stand watching Mammooka cry,'” says Sibi Malail.
“Cinema is like that when it comes to storytelling. When I see it, my eyes will fill up without realizing it. It’s like that for everyone. When Mammootty comes in scenes like this, I also get teary-eyed and sad” – this was what CB Malail said. Meanwhile, it was in an interview given to Red Epheme that Cibi Malail revealed all these things.
At the same time, he is happy that the film Devduthan, which was released 24 years ago by CB Malail, has hit the theaters again. This was a movie that failed in theaters 24 years ago. But over time this movie got very good reviews from the audience. Now that the movie has hit the theaters again, it has received a huge response. Raghunath Paleri has scripted this movie.