Shantivila Dinesh is limited to Malayalis. Shantivila Dinesh does not hesitate to criticize the stars. The director has criticized all the superstars like Mammootty, Mohanlal and Suresh Gopi. Actor Suresh Gopi is one of the people Shantivila Dinesh has talked to most often through his YouTube channel. Shantivila Dinesh talks about the good things Suresh Gopi has done and the mistakes that have happened to the actor. Now Shanthivila Dinesh is talking about the director who is a big fan of the star. Chandru has directed the movie Kuttapatram starring Suresh Gopi. Shantivila Dinesh spoke about this too. Suresh Gopi’s first step to becoming a star is the indictment. Another thing is that he never talks about the indictment in any interview. If you start talking about film career, talk about Capital or Ekalavyan. But Shantivila Dinesh says that Chandru has sacrificed a lot to make the film Kuttapatram. The film made a good name. But even after 33 years, Chandru has not made a single film, says Shantivila Dinesh.
Chandru was a blind admirer of Suresh Gopi. No matter how many times Suresh Gopi rejects him, Chandru will not go. Suresh will walk behind Gopi like a moon shadow. That’s why Suresh Gopi also likes Chandru. Shantivila Dinesh says that Suresh Gopi seems to have given him a lot of small financial help. When Suresh Gopi became a Rajya Sabha MP, he called Chandru to handle all his office affairs. Will get good salary. But he didn’t take it. Because he knows that if Suresh Gopi gets angry like the little kids, he will curse and hit him without any sense of time. There will be a director-actor love relationship. Chandru knows better than anyone that if he becomes a staff, the price will go down.