Today is Dalapati Vijay’s 50th birthday. But in the wake of the recent fake liquor disaster in Tamil Nadu’s Killi Kuriki, the actor has skipped all the birthday celebrations. Not only that, the actor set aside time to meet the victims of the disaster. The star’s team has informed that they will postpone all birthday celebrations and help them.
Meanwhile, the actor announced his political party in January this year. A child has now suffered severe burns at a birthday celebration event organized under the auspices of a political party. The incident is taking place in Neelamkara, Chennai. The boy was trying to break the oad with fire in his hand. It was in this context that the child’s body caught fire.
The incident took place this morning. This is a karate trained kid. This boy was doing an adventurous performance on stage. Meanwhile, the fire in his hand spread to his body. The initial conclusion is that excess kerosene was the cause of the accident. The fire quickly spread to the clothes.
While everyone tried to save the child, some people were also burnt. The fire was extinguished immediately. The child was admitted to the hospital. The child is currently in the intensive care unit of a private hospital. The actor had already announced that all birthday celebrations should be avoided in the wake of the Visha Madhya tragedy.