Last day, actor Bala’s wife Elizabeth shared a post. The comments below it are now going viral. The comments are, ‘You deserve a love that fights and not against you’. Elizabeth shared the note. Fans came with comments below this. Some ask what happened to Elizabeth. Some say don’t worry and keep calm. There is a comment to never add what doesn’t fit.
‘The doctor is just… a mandipenny. Tied up a symptomatic sadist. Finally escaped somehow. Try not to accidentally jump like this again. May there be a good future.. should be… will be…!!!! you deserve it’, someone else commented. The other day, Elizabeth also shared a note saying, ‘Even if we do everything possible, there will be someone in our life who makes us feel worthless’. Many people have commented below this. Many people wanted to know if Bala divorced. The boy is a narcissist and run away from him
After breaking up with singer Amrita Suresh, Bala married Elizabeth, a native of Thrissur and a doctor. The marriage was in September 2021. After marriage, both of them used to share their stories through social media. But in between Elizabeth Bala was not with her. With this, there were rumors that the two had separated. But denying all the rumours, Elizabeth came back with Bala. She was with Bala all the time when Bala was being treated in the hospital due to liver disease. Bala has said in many interviews that it was Elizabeth who inspired her.