267 trains were canceled on Monday as extreme cold weather continued in North India. There are also reports that around 170 trains are delayed due to heavy fog. For the second day in a row, train services were disrupted in northern India due to inclement weather.
About 72 trains out of 140 non-long distance passenger trains were canceled due to heavy fog. According to figures released by the Railway Board on Monday, 40 daily local trains have also been cancelled.
Loco pilots have been provided with GPS related modern equipment to prevent fog from affecting train movement. These devices emit audio-visual signals when approaching signals, level crossings, etc. About 13,000 devices are currently in use, officials said. Location of stations, warning boards, level crossing gates, etc. are fed into these devices. Also the engine speed, distance and travel time can be seen on the devices.
Last winter, 4,183 trains were affected. 4,240 trains were canceled due to fog.