Actor Vijay Sethupathi is one of the most loved stars of Malayalees. So far he has acted in only one Malayalam film. In the year 2021, there was an attempted robbery against him at the Bangalore airport. Someone was reaching behind the star and trying to kick him. The video of this was released on the same day. It became the cause of great controversy.
But the police did not take any major case in Bangalore in this incident. Because the actor did not file a complaint. Later, the police said that it was settled. It was reported that the attack took place because the actor had criticized a Tamil political leader Muthuramalinga Thevar. This later became the cause of great controversy.
He had announced a reward of ₹1001 for anyone who would kick Vijay Sethupathi. Hindu Makkal Party leader Arjun Sampath was treated like this. He said in his tweet that he will support those who kicked him until the actor apologizes. In this incident, fans of the actor filed a case against him. The trial in the case was going on for three years. Now the court has punished him.
He confessed to the crime without any reason. The court fined him only Rs 4000. A man named Maha Gandhi attempted to assault Vijay Sethupathi at the airport. He was also the leader of a caste organization. Muthuramalinga Thevar was a former Tamil political leader. A person requested to visit his samadhi on the day of Guru Pooja. Vijay Sethupathi asked him who was his guru. This became the cause of controversy at that time.